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marketingAre you weird? I'm a little bit weird, but I like that about myself. People pay attention to me, because I'm a little bit weird. People also pay attention to my marketing. You need to stand out in the crowd; think outside the box; and go for glory!
team buildingThe funny thing about leadership is that you never know what it is until it's missing. I've played professional and international sport and what's always important about a team is its leadership and followship.
sponsorshipA.B.C. How easy it seams, and how hard it can be. Sponsorship is about selling your brand, but also selling yourself. Make it a good idea.
public speakingHave an event? Need an MC, or someone to speak on a specific topic. I'm your man, but be forwarned, I love having a microphone!
consultationHave a website and need a little help with those last few peices of code. I can help and save you the headache.
full designFrom start to finish, I can design a personal or business website. Complete with full-login and database. Mobile and adaptive. It's completely up to you! I will also give you to tools to manage the website yourself so that if you want to make changes it's as easy as typing in Microsoft Word.
full design & managementDon't want to learn? Don't have time? Just want me to take care of it all. No problem, I can design and manage your entire website. All you have to do is answer all the emails!